MADRIX Forum • audio playback from inside madrix,
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audio playback from inside madrix,

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:31 am
by Omaryoussef
Hey Guys,

I have an installation where i want to program a certain led installation to a music track. is there a way to playback music from inside the software and program the cues to it ?

i dont have access to timecode or midi. i want to trigger the audio with the first cue and the other cues trigger the lighting effect any ideas ?


Re: audio playback from inside madrix,

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:54 pm
by Guertler
Hello Omaryoussef,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
In MADRIX it is at the moment not possible to playback an Audio signal.
If you want to playback audio and create a synchronized MADRIX show you have to use a Time Code Audio Player in connection with MADRIX.
For instance you can Timelord MTC to play the audio file and send the MIDI time code to MADRIX. Both software can run on the same PC when you are using a virutal MIDI cable.