Triggering based on Astronomical Time

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Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:07 am

Triggering based on Astronomical Time

Post by Hansel »

Hi guys,

I am working on a project with 500 lines of 5 meters of pixels. The client wants a scene that the each lines will act as a cloud and there will be a " ball of Sun" that will move through out the lines based on the astronomical time.

So basically they want that ball of sun move same as what the actual location/position of the sun is.

Is there any way to do this?
Posts: 350
Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Re: Triggering based on Astronomical Time

Post by Schulze »

Hi Hansel,

Welcome to the MADRIX forum!

You could use the "SCE Simple Shape" effect and a macro, which calculates the current sun position. The position data is then used to adjust the position of the shape on the matrix. On the other hand you could use the "draw" or "SetPixel" functions, which the MADRIX 5 script offers to draw a shape on a certain position of the matrix or to set a pixel to a color at a certain position.

Further information about the required functions you will find in the MADRIX 5 script documentation: ... b=setpixel

To get familiar with the MADRIX 5 script I recommend to also have a look at the following documentation chapters: ... cript.html ... tions.html ... ables.html ... ments.html
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