Madrix Script training/certification

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Madrix Script training/certification

Post by milfriez »

I have been going over and over and over the Madrix script manual. I am having trouble just figuring out how to format basic commands. Things like where to place the commands, examples of scripts, specifically defining what each part of the script does, etc.

I think it would be a huge help to have better tutorials, or perhaps a paid training class, or certification for Madrix Script. Basic items such as line drawing, variable speeds, macro creation/chaining.

I have grown beyond utilizing the basic effects, and have ideas of my own that I would like to create in Madrix, instead of having to rely on creating videos to play. If this were possible, that would be great.

Thanks guys!
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Re: Madrix Script training/certification

Post by zinok2001 »

Hi, good question ! Have you already gotten an anser to it ? Regards, Marc.
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Re: Madrix Script training/certification

Post by Fritzsche »


I just wanted to step in and say that we recognize that this is something that users would like to see and of course that it is an area we can improve upon a lot.

But so far, we have nothing official to announce. For now, it will probably remain support on case-by-case basis.

If you want to further express your thoughts on this topic, I would be extremely interested to hear what you have to say (for example, which other topics to include in that area, what to improve in the manuals, how a training could be organized, how tutorials should look like, etc.)

If you don't want to use this Forum, please feel free to write us at info[at]

Any feedback is highly appreciated.
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Re: Madrix Script training/certification

Post by gabrielefx »

Does the Madrix script follow C#, Java Script or Action script syntax?

because I'm subscribed to Lynda tutorials I would like to know what course is ok for me.

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Re: Madrix Script training/certification

Post by Fritzsche »

MADRIX Scripting is close to C.
(Please note that C is not necessarily C#.)