NEO disconnecting

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Posts: 38
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 11:09 am

NEO disconnecting

Post by rodericwilson »

this is probably a hardware problem but the NEO section doesnt let me post there for some reason so i'm posting it here .
1 of my NEOS spontaneously disconnects from the software.

i have 4 NEOs for my installation .
almost everytime i use the installation the universe run by each neo changes and each usb cable i have too changes which neo it is plugged into .

it's always the same NEo #151 that disconnects and needs a rescan for devices no matter which of the 4 led universe circuits it is running .

so i deduce it must be a hardware issue .
the first time it happened was after i updated my installation from 2 to 4 universes ( 288 rgb led s to now 576 rgb leds )
that evening of 8 hours it happened about 10 times .

last time i used it it happened twice in about 5- 6 hours .

i dont know if it is related but the LEd indicator on my neo#151 hasnt worked for a long time but i never got round to sending it back for repair although i never had this disconnecting problem until recently .
Posts: 735
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: NEO disconnecting

Post by Fritzsche »


I have moved your request to the MADRIX NEO section here: ... ,20/t,919/

Thank you!
Posts: 38
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 11:09 am

Re: NEO disconnecting

Post by rodericwilson »

i think there might be a forum issue . when i follow your link it says

You do not have the required permissions to read topics within this forum.

it also says this when i try to navigate to the neo /usb 1 section .

also i posted this topic yesterday and even though it said it was posted successfully and showed me my new topic i could not find it today -it had got lost .
i managed to post it again today .
Posts: 735
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: NEO disconnecting

Post by Fritzsche »

Thank you for making us aware of the issue. Can you please try again?

You couldn't find the topic today, because it was moved completely to the other section (MADRIX NEO). Apologies that you couldn't access it as though.

Thank you!