Help getting started with per-pixel LED strips

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Help getting started with per-pixel LED strips

Post by wiregen »

Hello fellow Madrix Users!

I have a question regarding hardware to experiment per-pixel LED mapping.

I understand DMX addressing and nightclub fixtures but only am getting into these LED per-pixel mapping. I've seen some very impressive Madrix installations. I'd like to expand that with an LED per-pixel lighting.

After some reading: It seems the best / cost effective way to start is:

15M WS2801 LED Strips: the one with the IC chips and the WS2801 specification (eBay)

SanDevices E682 controller: It says it could go up to 6 universes. That would be perfect because if I do take this installation into the nightclub it would be for walls wash effects.

Powersupply (eBay) Image

Do I need a DMX box or does the SanDevices act as the direct controller/interface for Madrix?

Also would I need to purchase power supplies for the LEDs?

Essentially I want to control the LEDs in like in this video:

Thanks everyone for the help!
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Re: Help getting started with per-pixel LED strips

Post by Pinzer »

Hi wiregen,

please ask the developer from SanDevices for this. We can't know all products and how they work. But SanDevices is an MADRIX Dealer so they can help you to get this Interface running with MADRIX.