BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

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BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by JOBlight »

First off, I just want to say I love this software, keep up the good work.

After playing with this for a while i thought of some things that i think would be cool to add

1. Global BPM
A global BPM that you could tap sync (and it would be awesome if it was MIDI mapped as well) or set with a slider, and put a check box by the BPM for each effect so effects could either be controlled using this or its individual BPM. this way you could set the BPM for a song once and not have to change it for all the effects that you want to change with the beat.

2. Auto BPM
Any way of getting a BPM analyzer added to the sound analyzer so that BPM could sort of run on autopilot?

3. Color Flash Buttons
A momentary button (or a few buttons) on the control interface that could be assigned to an effect so you could flash the entire matrix with a color, or strobe or some other effect. it would be great if this was keyboard and MIDI mapped as well.

4. MIDI Remapping
I think I have seen this on the forums before but it would be great to have a graphical tool to remap the controls on various MIDI interfaces

5. SCE Pulse/stroboscope BPM
A BPM slider with a TAP button for the pulse/strobe

sorry for the long list, but thank you for reading

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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi JOBlight,

That's great to hear! Thanks.

Also many thanks for your suggestions. We will definitively have a look at them!

to 3. Color Flash Buttons
You might already do that we the possibilities available to you right now. Here are some examples:

1) Let's say you are working on the left channel (A). Go ahead and prepare some effects on B (color, strobe, etc.). Then, select one effect on "B". Now, you can momentarily flash your matrix by using the button "B" near the crossfader. To return to the left channel, press "A". These buttons skip to Preview A or B instantly. Therefore, it's like flashing your LED matrix.
Some MIDI maps are already seeing this. Often it's called Skip A, Skip B, or Skip A/B.

2) You could also create an effect with two layers and use "Blind mode" or "Solo mode" on layer 2 to flash. For more info, please read the MADRIX Help and Manual.

to 4. MIDI Remapping
As announced in this forum we are working on it.

Thanks again!
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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi JOBlight,

The upcoming version MADRIX V2.10 will allow MIDI remapping.
Just now, we have released a MADRIX 2.10 BETA version for testing.

If you could test this feature and tell us what you think, that would be great!
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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by madsonic »

Hi to Everyone,

I just got hold of the madrix and started to create some custom scripts preparing a fixed installation. What i really miss is a way to Synchronize Effects to the Speed of the Music, so i´d like to bump the Global BPM Request!
I tried to make my own BPM Analyzer but somehow this is tricky and really doesn´t work because my script is called not regularly and the granularity of the time structure is limited to seconds :). Or is there any Hack around this?


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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by Wissmann »

No, actually the lowest time resolution you can get with the script are seconds, and because of the performance issue from a interpretation language it will the lowest resolution for the future as well. So i have to say sorry and it will be our task to realize a beat analysis in the future.
LEDs are nothing without control ;-)
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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by alfred_rade »

Yeah! JOBLight wants exactly the same that I want!

1- Especially MORE GLOBAL FEATURES in touch-mode to work in live. Like a Global Strobo (manual and bpm/random), but I mean a strobo that modify over the actual effect in live! That can on and off the actual effect.

2- And a bpm strobe, less freq more bass accuracy.

3- Keyboard trigering please!! Like Sunlite, just that easy! And an option to choose a second keyboard from the same pc.

Thanks a lot!!!

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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by terracnosaur »

JOBlight wrote:hello,
First off, I just want to say I love this software, keep up the good work.

After playing with this for a while i thought of some things that i think would be cool to add

1. Global BPM
A global BPM that you could tap sync (and it would be awesome if it was MIDI mapped as well) or set with a slider, and put a check box by the BPM for each effect so effects could either be controlled using this or its individual BPM. this way you could set the BPM for a song once and not have to change it for all the effects that you want to change with the beat.
I need this feature as well. This is essential to doing EDM/DJ gigs. Having to pre-set every layer, or effect is really time consuming.

I've resorted to the scripting feature to try and accomplish this, but with large venues and many maps/zones it's really painful.

Add global BPM/tempo!
Allow tap input for global BPM/tempo.
All effects should have the same understanding of BPM/tempo.
Allow quantization of BPM/tempo per effect/layer.
Allow for subdivision of BPM/tempo (ie. 1/2/, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64)

Global latency for the tempo (adjsut it forward, backwards in ms increments to align actual lighting triggers with heard BPM.

Global tempo "nudge" like DJ software, to push or pull the global tempo into alignment with performed music.

These would make the lights really pop with the music!!
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Re: BPM, Flash Buttons, and midi mapping requests

Post by Guertler »

Hello terracnosaur,
Thank you for your input.
We will discuss it with the developer and maybe it will be a feature for MADRIX 3.
Please note: The Feature and Bugfix support for MADRIX 2 ending soon. More information about the ending of the feature and bugfix support of MADRIX 2 you will get her:
http://www.madrix.com/en/home/forum/vie ... f,1/t,973/
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again!
Thank you.