Neo incl Enttec

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Neo incl Enttec

Post by sb-lümmel »

Hy there!
I`ve tried to run my Madrix Neo with an Enttec Open USB to illuminate 16xADJ Flash Panel (48CH ->768CH total). But this doesn't really work.
I Thought that the Enttec would give me the chance to control more than 512 CH ? But this seems to be a fault!?
And I have the Problem, that sometimes the Enttec sends a little different signal. I tried to reduce or to maximize the Frametime....but without any goal. Who can I manage it?
Thanks a lot!
Greetings from Germany
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Re: Neo incl Enttec

Post by Guertler »

Hello sb-lümmel,
When you plug a NEO and an Enttec Open USB to your MADRIX PC you will have the license to output up to 512 DMX channel because this license is included in the NEO. Now you are able to split the send DMX data of 512 DMX channels to the NEO and the Enttec Open DMX. For instance you can output 300 DMX channel with the NEO and 212 DMX channels with the Enttec Open DMX.
If you want to send 768 DMX channels with MADRIX you will need an additional license. For instance you can plug 2 NEOs or you plug the NEO and a MADRIX KEY start to your MADRIX PC. In both cases you will be able to send 1024 DMX channels.
P.S. Wenn du magst können wir auch gern auf deutsch schreiben.
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Re: Neo incl Enttec

Post by sb-lümmel »

Kakka, dacht ich mirs schon! Danke!
Aber bzgl der Frametime Einstellung bei dem Enttec bin ich leider immer noch nicht weiter....Gibts da ne tollen Kniff für?
Danke vielmals!
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Re: Neo incl Enttec

Post by Guertler »

Hallo sb-lümmel,
Kannst du bitte etwas genauer beschreiben, was du meinst, wenn du schreibst, "das Entec Open USB sendet ein etwas anderes Signal"?
Meinst du es ist verzögert bzw. voraus zu dem DMX Signal vom NEO? Oder flackern da die angestecken DMX Geräte?
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