Displaying Games/Pong on LED-Wall

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Displaying Games/Pong on LED-Wall

Post by niklas »

Hello together,

we have an LED-Wall all set up and working fine.

We are now planning to play the simple game "Pong" on that LED-Wall, but don't really know how to set it up.

Has anyone experience with this? Can we use the game as an input for madrix or does it work with screenrecording?
Is there another way to make this work?

Thank you for your help!


Niklas :)
Posts: 327
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Re: Displaying Games/Pong on LED-Wall

Post by Schulze »

Hi niklas,

You could use the so-called SCE Screencapture effect to capture the game from another screen. This should also be the easiest solution.

Here you will find further information:
http://help.madrix.com/m5/html/madrix/h ... pture.html

I hope this helps you.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:47 pm

Re: Displaying Games/Pong on LED-Wall

Post by niklas »


thank you for your answer! I think this is our solution for now :)


Niklas :)
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