Fixture from patch / More options in fixture editor

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Fixture from patch / More options in fixture editor

Post by darktechfx »

It would be great to create a fixture from my patch. A lot of times I create complex fixtures mashed up from other generic profiles and want to save that as a new fixture (including spacing/gaps between pixels). It would be so great to highlight my pixels in my patch and create a fixture from them that can be used again in the future. If not possible a way to have more customization in the fixture editor to allow for spacing/gaps in between pixels.

Also within the patch more selection options - every other row, every other column, etc.
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Re: Fixture from patch / More options in fixture editor

Post by Guertler »

Hello darktechfx,

Thank you for your input.
We will add the wish to our wish list.

Regarding the space between assigned voxels in a fixture: It is already possible to create fixtures with space between voxels with the help of the "Fixture Editor". Simply change the desired voxel position of the added channesl and you will have space in between. Of course it is very helpful to calculate the size of the fixture with space first and set it as "Voxel Count" in the gernal setting of the fixture.
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Re: Fixture from patch / More options in fixture editor

Post by vikasavikasa »

hi my requirement is kinetic ball and tube, how can patch in madrix 5 and fixture personality
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Re: Fixture from patch / More options in fixture editor

Post by Guertler »

Hello vikasavikasa,

If you want to work with kinetic fixtures, we recommend to divide every fixture in 2 parts. One part will be the winch and the other part the LED ball. Now you can patch both at seperate areas but with the same arrangement.
For example the part on top of the patch will consits of the fixtures which are repondsible to control the winch and the part below will be respondsible to contorl the RGB ball. Under the following link you will find a step by step instruction how to work with kinetic balls in MADRIX 3. But the workflow will be the same in MADRIX 5: ... with_.html
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